Some of Annette’s Articles
Mega-reach ministry provides a therapeutic solution for special needs kids and tackles rising domestic violence cases head-on
A pot-stirrer and a peacemaker live inside every human. The problem is—they only have one tongue to share. Who will win the right to the microphone?
Christian Nationalism is a syncretistic religious movement that merges the scriptural imagery of Christ’s kingdom with worldly ideals of citizenship. This hot topic has recently filled headlines and created deepening political and spiritual divides among American believers, making it vitally important for Christians to understand the truth about the subject.
The difference between a manipulator and a saboteur is that one is a conman and the other a hitman. Satan may use manipulative tactics, but his end game is always complete destruction. When it...
Eunice is one of the most praised mothers in the Bible, and teaches us something vital about passing our faith on to the next generation.
The Oberammergau Passion Play is the longest-running passion play in history, held every decade since the 1600s. What can this event teach us about the Passion story and Christian community?
Losing a loved one feels a little bit different for each person, and grief is always a messy journey. But how long does grief last? How can we help a grieving person on their journey? Here is what you need to know.
We all want our relatives to find faith before it's too late, but some don't make that choice until later in life. Why is this?
We get one detail in the Christmas story about Jesus' birth: he was placed in a manger. What is significant about this manger, so important that we remember it to this day?
Forty years since his death, Keith Green continues to be one of the greatest figures in Contemporary Christian Music history, and a shining example of living a no-compromise life for Jesus. Here's what you should know about his life and spiritual impact.
Jonathan Edwards wasn't just one of the most important pastors of his time but proved to be an influential theologian that writers still study today. Here is what you probably didn't know about his life and work.
When Psalm 19:1 says "the heavens declare the glory of God," is he talking about the afterlife or something we can experience right now?
Paralyzed at 17, Joni Eareckson Tada has gone on to be a writer, painter, and advocate for the least of these across the world. Here is what you need to know about her.
Dr. J Vernon McGee may have said he was just a plowboy who loved Jesus, but his radio ministry continues to reach millions today. Here is what you should know about his life and impact.
As Easter Sunday approaches and Christians everywhere remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, we can’t help but wonder about his mother who stuck by His side till the bitter end. How old was she when he died on the cross, and when did she realize what route her son's life was going to take?
Purim is one of the great Jewish celebrations, recalling a time when genocide nearly brought an end to the Jews, and how one woman saved her people. Here is what you should know about Purim.
"Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" may be one of the oldest hymns ever written, with roots in an important medieval Christian thinker. Here is what we know about him, and about who wrote the hymn we know today.
John Piper has changed how Americans think about God's sovereignty and inspired millions through books like Desiring God. What makes his global ministry unique?
May these quotes about God’s timing, from the Bible and history, restore our awe of time and space—and revive our hope in the one who holds eternity in His hand.
The Garden of Eden was a paradise that could have brought humanity into an era of peace and closeness to God. Instead, something terrible happened that seemed like it had ruined humanity beyond repair. But that wasn't the end of the story.
The Hebrew word chesed (also spelled hesed) is so packed with meaning that no single word in the English language comes close to defining it. Used 248 times in scripture, this little-known descriptor carries volumes of information about God’s character while providing a glimpse of His redemptive plan through His very nature.
There are some little-known facts about the humble Francis of Assisi, who dared to walk away from an easy life to follow God at all costs.
When Jesus said the Aramaic phrase "talitha koum," he was performing one of his most astonishing miracles, one that still has important lessons and repercussions for us today.
The letter to the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2 is notable for many reasons, one being that it's one of the only letters that doesn't have a rebuke. What it tells us about Smyrna and its Christians has big implications for us today.
The Biblical account of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem is so noteworthy that it’s one of the few events recorded in all four Gospels.
While many Christians know what Passover is generally, less know about the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Bible emphasizes that this event was deeply important, something that reminded the Hebrews of their past and foreshadowed what was to come.
A glorious emptiness swallowed hopelessness, once and for all. May the following Easter Sunday prayers and blessings guide you to that empty tomb and prepare your heart to celebrate the...
We commit to memory the most popular Bible verses about trust. But there are moments, gut-wrenching moments, when the raw pain of suffering, the shock of grief, or the agony of prolonged testing...
The world’s recommendation to “focus on yourself” stems from the humanistic belief that we are all born with innate goodness, intrinsic value, and a store of happiness that needs only to be...
The best inspirational quotes about life have three things in common: 1) The thought always gives the listener a fresh way of looking at sound truth. 2) The speaker usually went through a fiery...
“The quality time love language is focused, undivided and uninterrupted attention, despite busyness and business.” And therein lies the challenge. Distraction is the enemy of attention.
The challenges we face during this pandemic do make being a good neighbor more difficult. But it’s in times of trial that our faith can shine through the darkness more brightly than ever.
Pumpkin spice is back again, enticing thirsty shoppers with the sweet nectar that reminds us—it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But is it? Something seems off this season.
We are to walk in our faith, work to develop and grow our faith, share our faith, and live our faith in a way that others can see Christ in us. But the call to keep the faith is an exhortation that...
The 10 Commandments were given to the Israel nation through Moses. The nation of Israel was now free from slavery in Egypt and was camped around Mount Sinai when thunder, lightning, a thick cloud, and the sound of trumpets signaled God's presence. Moses met with God, and the 10 Commandments were written for the people to follow.
As the weather grows colder our hearts grow warm, remembering that holy night, long ago when the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.
In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we’re introduced to a group of mysterious beings: the Nephilim.
In the Bible, the term “Promised Land” refers to a specific region of land that God endowed to His chosen people, as part of their heritage.
The story of the Tower of Babel is explained in chapter 11 of Genesis in just a few verses. This is a summary of the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel. You can read more in-depth Bible verses from the Scripture below and use the articles and videos to understand the meaning behind this teachable event in the Bible.
Christian Nationalism is a syncretistic religious movement that merges the scriptural imagery of Christ’s kingdom with worldly ideals of citizenship. This hot topic has recently filled headlines and created deepening political and spiritual divides among American believers, making it vitally important for Christians to understand the truth about the subject.
What is Revelation 12 describing when it talks about a great war in heaven? Here's a look at its symbols and the meanings behind each one.
Christmastime holds a sacred spot in the heart of every believer. As we unpack our nativity sets, practice our Christmas plays, sing our favorite carols, and reread the beloved scriptures—we’re transported back in time to a very different culture and setting where the Word first became flesh.
When Jesus asked the man lying by the Pool of Bethesda "do you want to be healed," it may have seemed crass. But this question launched something that changed the man forever.
Through the 12 sons of Jacob, that promise became a reality. As we read about the tribes of Israel in Scripture, God’s redemptive plan for His people is shown through the complicated lives of each of these men of promise.
The spirit of heaviness is a condition we’ve all experienced at different seasons in life. Who of us hasn’t felt the crushing weight of circumstances, grief, or exhaustion threaten to block our sense of God’s presence?
Have you ever felt outnumbered—like a small fish in an ocean of sharks? In the Old Testament, the Israelites were a fickle group. One generation loved the Lord with all their hearts, then the next would rise with a bent toward evil that put the pagan nations to shame.
When the Psalmist declares in Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in my heart,” he understands that nothing on earth, including a polished blue rock, could ever compare to the treasure of Scripture.
In our minds, the way God weaves remarkable events in and through our lives may seem illogical and beyond our understanding. However, we walk by faith, not by sight. Christians know that God’s thoughts are above our thoughts and God’s ways are higher than ours.
Therefore, the purpose of John’s vision was to remind beleaguered believers of the sovereignty of God on the throne in heaven and the great calling of his people to give Him glory in all things and at all times.
In a day and age when we’re more likely to hear criticism and controversy in a public forum than anything else, the idea of blessing someone might seem a foreign concept.
Work, phone, binge-watching, ministry—any of these should do. But they don’t. Why does the call to ‘delight yourself in the Lord’ seem so distant in times of trouble?
They had it all. In the eastern part of brand-new Eden, God meticulously planted a garden for Adam and Eve to call home. He filled the orchard-like wonderland with every tree pleasing to the eye and good for food—a place so lush it would forever be branded as paradise.
Faith cannot thrive in the hostile environment of self-reliance. Only through surrender can we, like Abram, walk by faith, not by sight.
With words, God spoke the universe into existence. Words have birthed kingdoms and buried dynasties.
Worship is a lifestyle for born-again Believers. But for this article, we’ll focus on one aspect of worship, as it relates to our musical response to God’s revealed glory.