Throughout the ages, music has been used as a powerful tool to celebrate Christ's resurrection. Some seasonal hymns and songs are so potent that they make the worshiper feel as if they’ve had...
Read MoreThe Biblical account of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem is so noteworthy that it’s one of the few events recorded in all four Gospels.
Read MoreWe first encounter the priest, Phinehas, son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron, in Numbers 25. Phinehas’s righteous acts follow a major encounter that Israel had with Balaam; a diviner hired by the...
Read MoreResurrection Rolls can be a meaningful tradition to start with your family or a fun activity to bring the Easter story to life for children—and a sweet reminder of Christ’s triumph over the grave.
Read MoreMany Christians set aside the Friday before Easter to remember our Savior’s sacrifices to secure our redemption. Good Friday hymns and songs are valuable tools for this reflective journey.“But God...
Read MoreWhile many Christians know what Passover is generally, less know about the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Bible emphasizes that this event was deeply important, something that reminded the Hebrews of their past and foreshadowed what was to come.
Read MoreWhat is Revelation 12 describing when it talks about a great war in heaven? Here's a look at its symbols and the meanings behind each one.
Read MoreThe difference between a manipulator and a saboteur is that one is a conman and the other a hitman. Satan may use manipulative tactics, but his end game is always complete destruction. When it...
Read MoreWe all want to understand what our love language is, but what is God's love language? Is praise a way that we communicate love to God, or something required?
Read MoreAfter the tree is packed away and the diets have begun, many Christians find themselves kicking off the new year by dragging themselves through January. And is it any wonder? Weeks of planning,...
Read MoreHave we placed this amazing woman on such a pedestal that we’ve missed seeing the parallels between her calling and ours? Here are three things all Christians have in common with Jesus’s mother,...
Read MoreYou may be using the Church as the only outlet to live out your faith. In other words, Christ’s light inside you is being withheld from those who desperately need it.
Read MoreChristmastime holds a sacred spot in the heart of every believer. As we unpack our nativity sets, practice our Christmas plays, sing our favorite carols, and reread the beloved scriptures—we’re transported back in time to a very different culture and setting where the Word first became flesh.
Read MoreWhen Jesus asked the man lying by the Pool of Bethesda "do you want to be healed," it may have seemed crass. But this question launched something that changed the man forever.
Read MoreRough-hewn stones, starry hosts, lush gardens, caves, valleys, thunder, rain, and lightning—they all have a story to tell within the narrative of Scripture. But none more so than the mountains in...
Read MoreIf sin, spiritual lethargy, or negligence had caused Eutychus’s sleep-induced fall from the window, we can be sure that the whole of Scripture would bear out that lesson.
Read MoreThrough the 12 sons of Jacob, that promise became a reality. As we read about the tribes of Israel in Scripture, God’s redemptive plan for His people is shown through the complicated lives of each of these men of promise.
Read MoreThe spirit of heaviness is a condition we’ve all experienced at different seasons in life. Who of us hasn’t felt the crushing weight of circumstances, grief, or exhaustion threaten to block our sense of God’s presence?
Read MoreAll the letters contain an instructive glimpse into the trials and challenges early believers faced, but the letter written to the church of Laodicea has particular relevance to today’s westernized...
Read MoreHave you ever felt outnumbered—like a small fish in an ocean of sharks? In the Old Testament, the Israelites were a fickle group. One generation loved the Lord with all their hearts, then the next would rise with a bent toward evil that put the pagan nations to shame.
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