About Annette
Annette Marie Griffin is an award-winning writer who has worked with children and youth for more than twenty years. She has developed curriculum for elementary-age children, facilitated parent training seminars, and worked with at-risk youth.
She and her husband have two adopted children with learning challenges and continue to look for opportunities to help children with special needs.
Annette enjoys connecting with people of all ages. She also contributes monthly to the Almost An Author blog.
A Note from the Author
Where the nose goes, so does the world.
So much of what I know and believe today came from books I read as a kid. Torn and weathered library pages that boasted handling from countless other children, were my place of refuge and many times my schoolhouse. Characters I loved and ones I loved to hate lived on those pages, and I couldn’t wait to meet them there any time I got a chance.
I grew up in an era where literacy was a national goal. Any author willing and able to confiscate a child and whisk them away into the great unknown—via words on a page, got free rein to do so, no questions asked. As a result, many books worthy of raised eyebrows got a green light at my house because my mom delighted in seeing my nose in a book. Judy Blume, whose books might seem rather tame in today’s culture, was one such covert and scandalous writer—at least to me and my 5th grade peers, who kept her books under our mattresses and read them by flashlight after bedtime.
Although electronics are challenging the noses of today’s youth to go book-free, the draw of a good story can still captive, inspire and intrigue. Most of all, it can imprint a measure of hope, truth, nobility and courage that cannot be obtained through sensory overload. It’s my hope that the stories I write will pull kids into a love of reading and leave them with a bundle of treasure they can take and invest in the future.