The Tower of Babel - Bible Story

The story of the Tower of Babel is explained in chapter 11 of Genesis in just a few verses. This is a summary of the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel. You can read more in-depth Bible verses from the Scripture below and use the articles and videos to understand the meaning behind this teachable event in the Bible. 

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Set3John Griffin
How Old Was Mary When Jesus Died?

As Easter Sunday approaches and Christians everywhere remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, we can’t help but wonder about his mother who stuck by His side till the bitter end. How old was she when he died on the cross, and when did she realize what route her son's life was going to take?

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Set2John Griffin
What Is Purim?

Purim is one of the great Jewish celebrations, recalling a time when genocide nearly brought an end to the Jews, and how one woman saved her people. Here is what you should know about Purim.

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Set2John Griffin
Is Christian Nationalism Biblical?

Christian Nationalism is a syncretistic religious movement that merges the scriptural imagery of Christ’s kingdom with worldly ideals of citizenship. This hot topic has recently filled headlines and created deepening political and spiritual divides among American believers, making it vitally important for Christians to understand the truth about the subject. 

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Set3John Griffin